A new event for the bus rally calendar in 2022 was the Big Bus Show held at Stonham Barnes in Suffolk. Stonham has a well established show ground with plenty of space for vehicles to display and this first event has attracted a modest entry. 

The vehicles on display included contemporary buses currently in service from the likes of Ipswich Buses, Konect Bus and Chambers along with a number of preserved buses and coaches. There was an example of the famous London Transport Routemaster double-decker on display in comparison to the latest double-deckers now in service in Suffolk. During the day people were able to take a journey on some of the vehicles to Stowmarket and back. As well as the vehicles there was also a trade area where bus and coach related models, books and photos could be bought. 

The first event attracted a modest crowd and was well organised but possibly was a victim of the extremely hot weather being experienced at the time, one thing was for sure the admission of just £5 per person offered good value. The event will return in 2023 and will be organised with the assistance of the Eastern Counties Bus Preservation Group and will be on Sunday 13th August with admission prices being held at £5. Further details can be found by visiting https://www.stonhambarns.co.uk/whats-on/the-big-bus-show/

Event gallery – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.737525025042126&type=3

Gary Malkin