IWM Duxford held their second experience day of 2020 in August. Unfortunately unlike the first day the adverse weather saw a reduction in activities with no outside displays and a minimal flying. When a suitable window in the weather presented itself the were displays from the P-51 Mustang ‘Miss Helen’, DH-89 Dragon Rapide and resident Harvard trainer ‘Wacky Rabbit’.   

The adverse weather on the day did give an opportunity to  have a good look around the Land Warfare Hall at the far end of the site. As the name suggests this area houses the majority of the land based exhibits ranging from both World Wars, The Falklands, The Gulf War and up to the present day. Another area I took the opportunity to visit was the Airborne Assault section of the Airspace hanger which is a museum of the Parachute Regiment. 

Photo Album – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=2061747147426100&set=a.2864212517179555

  Gary Malkin