Held at the Imperial War Museum Duxford the two-day Daks Over Duxford event was an addition to their planned flying displays during 2019. In fact, the event was not officially a flying display and was part of the bigger Daks Over Normandy event planned to mark the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Some two years in the planning the Daks Over Normandy project aimed to get as many air worthy Dakotas over to Normandy for the 6th June to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, including a number from the United States. Duxford was selected as the official meet-up point for the aircraft and the Daks Over Duxford event was born, organised by Daks Over Normandy in conjunction with the Imperial War Museum. The two-day mid-week event was made ticket only, as were the three days leading up to the event as the Dakotas assembled. Come the event and just over twenty examples of the Dakota and its variants had made the trip, including fifteen examples from the United States. The number included two unique variants, the only C-41a ever produced, operated by Golden Age Air Tours from the USA. This was joined by the World’s only flying example of the Li-2, the Russian licenced produced Dakota, having made the trip from Hungary operated by Goldtimer Foundation. Though these two examples stood out each airframe had its own tale to tell. Some having taken part in D-Day 75 years earlier.

The first day, Tuesday 4th, saw the scheduled flying restricted due to adverse weather and the cancellation of the mass parachute drop. Fortunately, day two, Wednesday 5th, saw weather improve for the mass departure to Normandy. The days flying activities were deliberately kept fluid with the mass departure time having to be scheduled with airspace over the Normandy area. In fact, it was the high VIP movements in that area that ultimately saw the departure delayed until the afternoon. As previously mentioned this event was not an airshow though through the day there were movements involving the Dakotas along with a number of Harvard’s that were performing pleasure flight opportunities. That said there were also displays through the day provided by the IWM of aircraft that also had an involvement in D-Day. These opened with representation for the spotter role played by aircraft during the operation, a pair of Auster’s flown by Kevin Hale (AOP6) and Trevor Bailey (T7) demonstrated their slow speed abilities that proved vital to the operation. These were followed up by solo demonstrations by the P-47 Thunderbolt flown by Paul Bonhomme and Wildcat flown by Stu Goldspink. This section closed with two pairs displays, firstly a pair of Spitfires flown in close formation by Richard Grace (IXT ML407) and Steve Jones (IX MH434) followed by a pair of P-51 Mustangs again in close formation flown by Cliff Spink and John Dodd. During the morning there was a special treat from the United States Air Force with a mass flypast from the special operations wing at RAF Mildenhall comprising of the MC-130j’s and CV-22 Osprey’s. When the time arrived in the afternoon for the mass departure it was a truly memorable event as twenty-one Dakotas taxied out and took off. The lead group were carrying parachutists for a drop over the Normandy area on their arrival. These were able to do a circuit and flypast as the remaining Dakotas taxied and took off. There were a couple of  technical issues that unfortunately kept two aircraft on the ground, hopefully to depart later in the day. During all this a well-informed commentary as usual from Ben Dunnell kept everyone up to date with movements.

There were also a number of displays on the ground. In addition to the museum exhibits. Re-enactment groups were on hand with period displays, the parachutists could be seen preparing for their jump over France while the 16th Air Assault Brigade provided a display of modern equipment. A small number of traders were also in attendance as were some of the veterans. Despite the event not being an airshow the organisation by the IWM ensured entry, parking and leaving the airfield went smoothly and I think it is fair to say the majority went home satisfied having seen a once in a lifetime event.

Photo album 1 – https://www.facebook.com/pg/Snap-magcom-2061747147426100/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2470492866551524

Photo album 2 – https://www.facebook.com/pg/Snap-magcom-2061747147426100/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2470509709883173

Gary Malkin